Christmas Cranberry Tea

Our famous family recipe

PC Abigail Leigh


1 quart cranberries (Alaskan lowbush preferred)

1 quart water

12 oz can OJ concentrate

1 cup lemon juice concentrate

1 cup honey or sugar

5 cinnamon sticks

10-20 whole cloves


simmer cranberries in water till soft.

Strain out cranberry skins or blend well and keep the whole fruit for a thick tea (this is what I do with Alaskan berries, “normal” cranberries are much pulpier and less flavorful then what the arctic provides)

Add all other ingredients and simmer at least 20 minutes.  Great in a crock pot!

Keeps in fridge for a couple weeks and freezes well.

I made this as concentrated as possible and froze or canned it.  We use it to treat colds (it works like magic!!) and urinary tract infections.

We always made this for our Christmas party, but it’s also an amazing healing tincture as well.  Use it to fight colds and urinary tract infections.  Vitamin C never tasted so good!!

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